Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures
Turn onto Sommerset Drive (East of St. Gilbert School) and proceed to the stop sign and turn right onto Wicks Street.
Enter the school driveway from Wicks Street (behind the school).
Grades 4-8 -Pull forward to the Parish Center/Gym Entrance, if you do not have students in 4-8 split to the left and proceed towards the Grades 1-3 Drop Off area, or if no students in 1-3 continue to the Preschool/Kindergarten Drop Off area.
When your student has entered the building, follow the car before you and proceed to the next drop off point or to the exit lane. PLEASE DO NOT PULL AROUND STOPPED CARS.
When all students are dropped off proceed to the exit lane. NO LEFT TURNS ONTO ROUTE 120. Please turn right and then turn left into neighborhood to go west.

Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal App Reminder: We are again using the Pikmykid app to manage dismissal grades PK-8. This year the app will also be used for dismissal from the After School Program.
Please be sure that your app is still working on your phone so you are set to announce your arrival beginning on the first day of school. If you need to reinstall the app you will need to call the school office to receive a new QR code to start that process. Please contact the school office if you are in need of new car tags.
Enter St. Gilbert School from Route 120 (opposite direction of morning Arrival Procedures). Preschool and Siblings: Pick up turn left and park along the side of the building and wait for your child to be brought to your car. For the safety of all,
PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR. When you are ready to leave, follow the car before you through the circle under the church over hang and exit onto Route 120. -
Grades K–8: Pull into one of the 3 staging lines and wait for the monitor to tell your line to proceed.
When you are told to proceed to the parking lot, pull forward to the spot you are being directed to park in. Make sure you leave room on the side to open your car doors. Stop your car and wait for your child to enter. When all students in the line
are in cars, you will be directed to proceed towards the exit onto Wicks Street.