Thursday Tidbits
February 27, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is hard to believe that February is soon coming to an end, and with it the end of Trimester #2. Report cards will arrive home next Friday. Please use this time to celebrate academic successes with your child. Talk to them about their progress on their iReady reading and math “paths.”
You received their iReady Diagnostic reports last week, but can see their scores and progress if you just ask your child to login to iReady and show you!
One of our Continuous School Improvement goals for this year is to provide valuable school related tips to parents each trimester. Last trimester I sent an article about the direct link between school attendance and student achievement. This trimester the focus is on teaching “Organizational Skills.” Students that can manage their school life; assignments, due dates, supplies, and schedules are more likely to be academically successful. We hope you will partner with us on the home front to help your child learn responsibility for age appropriate tasks related to school and home environments. They need practice and adult models to learn this valuable life skill.
Putting on my AD hat right now....this is a reminder that we will have sports pictures for all the basketball teams, cheer squad, and boys volleyball this Friday starting at 5:00 (see your coach for your scheduled time.) I would appreciate it if basketball players would turn in their uniforms to me after pictures are taken. Uniforms should be cleaned in order to be turned in. If they need to be washed, they should be turned in after this evening, placed in a bag and labeled with the players name and grade, and sent through to the office. Basketball coaches who still have fobs will be turning those in at this time as well. Thank you for the great seasons we had this fall & winter!
Hope to see many of you at SGS Rocks Trivia this Saturday!
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
2/27 - STEAM Night 5:00-7:00 (school gym & MPR)
2/28 - 80th Anniversary Shirt (1944) dress down, Sports Pictures starting at 5:00 (gym)
3/1 - SGS Rocks Trivia, doors open 6:00/Trivia rounds start 7:00 (gym)
3/5 - Ash Wednesday-All School Mass 8:00
3/7 - Report Cards go home, Spirit Wear Day, JH Dance 6:00-8:00 (gym)
SGS Sports Central:
7th & 8th Grade Boys Volleyball Team took 2nd place at POP Tourney
7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball Team took 3rd place in Conference Tournament
3/3 - BVB Teams play away games at St. Patrick’s 5:00/6:00/7:00
Upcoming Events:
Grayslake Library Art Exhibition Night for SGS St. Gilbert Art Reception (Grayslake Library)
Junior High Dance JH Dance Information
Mini-Cheer Clinic Registration (Grades K-2) - Mini Rebels Cheer Camp ; link to register:
Other Bits:
Trimester #3 Milk Order (school) Milk Order Form/3rd Trimester
Cup Stacking Sets - Parent Letter/Cup Stacking Sets , Speed Stacking Information
Youth Ministry -Teen Ministry Information
February 20, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We had a wonderful visit from the Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Chicago yesterday! Mr. Greg Richmond, presented us with certificates for the highest scores in the Catholic Schools in Lake County for; Ambitious Instruction and Supportive Environment. As he explained to the students, this means that they have excellent teachers who challenge them everyday, and that the students feel supported by their peers, teachers and staff at St. Gilbert. In addition to attending mass and seeing our students in action in leadership roles of; readers, altar servers, singers, and Student Council members, Mr. Richmond visited a couple preschool rooms, saw 4th graders in their gym class, visited with 5th graders during a Science lesson, and saw 8th graders along with their 1st grade buddies in the STEM Lab for a “frog robot derby.” He was very impressed with the overall appearance of the school, and admired lots of student work that was hanging in the halls.
This Friday and Saturday our 6-8 grade students will present Aladdin Jr. at Carmel Catholic High School at 7:00 pm each evening. Tickets are available at the door if you would like to attend. Word on the “street” is that it should be a magical show!
Enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
Friday 2/21 - Spirit Wear Day, Aladdin @ 7:00 pm
Tuesday 2/25 - Panera Restaurant Day (FSA) Panera Day Fundraiser
Thursday 2/27 - STEAM Night 5:00-7:00 (Gym) STEAM Night Pizza pre-orders
Friday 2/28 - 80th Anniversary Shirt Dress Down Day
Saturday 3/1 - SGS Rocks Trivia Night -doors open at 6:00 pm. Trivia Night Registration
SGS Sports Central:
2/24 - 7th/8th Girls Basketball Conference Tournament: 1st Round @ St. Joe’s 6:00 pm
2/25 - Boys Volleyball Home games at 5:30 & 6:30
2/28 - Sports Pictures starting at 5:00 (Basketball, Cheer, Boys Volleyball)
Informational Fliers:
* Send in old palms to the office for burning of ashes by 2/26
SGS Rocks Trivia 2025- Tickets
St. Patrick's Day Parade (Grayslake's First!)
February 18, 2025
Upcoming Events!
It’s an exciting time of the year and we have a few things coming up in the next two weeks that we wanted to remind you about.
Aladdin Jr. -
Get ready for a magical adventure! The Jr. High students are performing Aladdin Jr. on February 21st & 22nd at 7 PM! Join us for a fun-filled evening of amazing performances. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable show! Tickets are on sale now at .
Cheerleading Fundraiser -
We are fundraising for new cheer uniforms and to help with costs for cheer competitions next season. There are only a few days left of this popcorn fundraiser, so get your orders in now! (Sale ends 2/20) Click the link below, we appreciate your generosity!
Steam Night
Join us for a family event February 27th from 5:00-7:00 in the gym. Teachers from each grade will have at least one STEAM station to try. This is for parents and children together, to explore and learn. Some stations will have take-home activities so bring a bag to carry items. We will have pizza and a drinks available. STEAM Night Menu Use this google.form to place orders to guarantee food. Link:
SGS Rocks Trivia Night -
SGS Rocks Trivia Night is back! Join us for a night of fun on March 1st. This event is an adult only event where we have a night full of trivia and fun! This year, the class that has the most parents attending will win a pizza party! Tickets are on sale now. Purchase tickets at:
If you can not attend but still want to donate consider donating to our SGS Rocks gift card donation:!/showSignUp/10C0949AFAB2EA1F5C43-54892754-sgsrocks
February 13, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Love is in the air around we had most of the Valentine’s Day parties for our homerooms, and students wore red, pink, and white....they looked so happy and enjoyed a fun lunch with their classmates. Thank you to our room parents who plan, and give of their time to make the day a special one! A reminder that tomorrow is a half-day with students leaving at 11:00. Aftercare will only be open for Preschoolers who regularly use this program. Teachers will be doing a quick second check-in conference for each student. This is also a long weekend due to President’s Day on Monday. Be safe, enjoy the snow, and hug your Valentine.
Mrs. Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
2/13 - Valentine’s Day Parties, iReady Diagnostic Results go home
2/14 - Dismissal at 11:00, 2nd Conference (phone/google meet), No Buses (Grayslake & Woodland AM & PM)
2/17 - No School-Presidents Day
2/19 - Superintendent Visit rescheduled 8-9:45, 8:00 am All School Mass
2/20 - Aladdin preview for students 12:30
2/21 & 2/22 - Aladdin performances both days at 7:00 pm @ Carmel Catholic Auditorium Aladdin Tickets
Spirit Wear Day (2/21)
SGS Sports Central:
Girls Basketball away @ Eastlake 6:00 & 7:00
Little Bits:
Family School Restaurant Night 2/25 Panera Day Fundraiser
Send in old palms by 2/26, these will be used for a March 3rd “burning of the palms” service/preparation of ashes for Ash Wednesday (attention: school office)
St. Gilbert teachers will be hosting our annual STEAM Night for families on 2/27 from 5:00-7:00, all ages are welcome. There will be various stations with STEAM activities to try, and we will again be selling a “pizza meal deal”. This is not a drop off event, but instead a time for parents and children to explore and learn together. Flier will be coming soon!
Sports pictures for Basketball, Volleyball and Cheer are scheduled for 2/28 beginning at 5:00....your coach will have sent your specific time....order forms will be sent home with athletes. Basketball teams will need to turn in uniforms after pictures are finished please.
SGS Rocks Trivia 2025- Tickets
February 11, 2025
School Closed Tomorrow 2/12/25: eLearning
Dear Parents/Guardians & Staff,
I have just received word that both our busing school districts (Grayslake & Woodland) will be closed to in-person school, and will be eLearning tomorrow (2/12). St. Gilbert will also be closed and will be eLearning for grades K-8. Look to your teachers for directions on work, and utilize the platforms of See Saw (grades K-2) and Google.Classroom (grades 3-8) for classwork. All after-school activities are cancelled for tomorrow.
Stay safe & warm,
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
February 7, 2025
Superbowl Squares Fundraiser: Numbers Populated
Dear Families,
Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser! All our squares are filled, the lucky numbers have been populated.......enjoy the game!
Mrs. Buckley
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARE FINAL NUMBERS – thanks to all who joined our pool! No more squares are available. Final squares with number assignments are attached! You can follow the winners online with the link below or using the attached PDF. Winners will be formally announced via email after the Super Bowl. Q1-Q3 = winner gets $350, reverse numbers wins $150 Q4 (or end of game if OT) wins $700, reverse numbers wins $300
Good luck to all participants!
February 6, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Next week Wednesday (2/12), we are scheduled to have a special visitor, the Superintendent of Archdiocese Schools, Mr. Greg Richmond. He will be attending mass with us, hearing from our Student Council representatives about our school’s service to others in need in our community, and he will be presenting St. Gilbert with a certificate recognizing our high scores from the 5 Essential Survey in “Ambitious Instruction” and “Supportive Environment.” We scored the highest among all the Catholic Schools in Lake County last year on these metrics. Mr. Richmond will visit a couple classrooms and speak with Fr. John and myself after mass. We cannot wait to show off our wonderful school, and the faith-filled hard work of our students. If you would like to join us for mass at 8:00, our doors are always open to parents, grandparents, and other family members. Remember, that I would like the students looking sharp in their uniforms, with hair combed, and friendly greetings at the ready.
Monday, February 10th is the date that our Business Manager, Sandra Garrity will begin moving families over in FACTS to the new grade for their students for the 2025-2026 school year. This process takes about a week, as she has to work with the data for each family separately. 2/10 was the deadline I gave for letting us know if you will not be returning for next year. A non-refundable family re enrollment fee of $150 will be added to FACTS as the account gets “rolled over.” For our preschool and kindergarten families that have not yet communicated their intentions for next year, please do so as soon as possible. We will begin accepting new applicants beginning March 1st. Space is very limited in preschool, so reserve your spot today!
Mrs. Garrity wanted me to convey the directions for retrieving your “Tax Statements”. She is not able to access this information for you, you will need to login to your personal FACTS account. Tax Summary Directions
Next week Friday 2/14 is a half day with dismissal at 11:00. This is a Second Conference that takes the form of a “quick 5 minute check-in” with parents for every student. Teachers will make phone calls, or set-up a google meet. Aftercare will only be open for preschool students that are enrolled for this service from 11:00-5:00.
Morning car drivers this paragraph is for you! I have received reports from Eastlake Farms neighbors that the four-way stop at “Summerset + Wicks” is being blocked by cars in the morning from all directions. Neighbors report that our cars are not even pulled off close to the curb to allow people who live in the homes in this neighborhood to get through the four-way stop. I can also see that cars are no longer heeding my directive to park in our large East lot to wait until about 7:10 to pull into the neighborhood, and are pulling way up towards our driveway on Wicks, further blocking the passing traffic and the ability of our buses to make a turn. Please, please try to be considerate of our neighbors, use the lot we have to wait in, or plan to arrive in the area no earlier than 7:10. I cannot walk back to Wicks St. everyday to remind drivers of the rules of the road, and everyone cannot be first. Our neighbors will begin to call the police because they are frustrated and prevented from getting out of their own homes to commute to work. I can see that traffic is moving on the streets behind us by 7:15, so this is a plea to our early arriving drop off drivers to adjust your arrival time to closer to 7:10.
Calendar Reminders:
Friday 2/7 - No School, Teacher Learning Day
Monday 2/10 - Non-Returning Student Deadline
Wednesday 2/12 - Superintendent’s Visit, 8:00 am Mass, No Grayslake Buses (AM)
Thursday 2/13 - Valentine’s Parties, iReady Diagnostic Winter goes home, 7th & 8th Advanced Lit students @ Shakespeare on Navy Pier.
Friday 2/14 - 11:00 Dismissal, Second Conference, No Grayslake or Woodland buses (AM & PM), Aftercare only for registered Preschoolers from 11:00-5:00.
Health Note from the School Nurse
SGS Rocks Trivia 2025- Tickets
February 5, 2025
The Big Game!
The "Big Game" is almost upon us......Super bowl Sunday, Chiefs vs. Eagles! Thank you to everyone who has purchased Super Bowl Squares to-date! We only have (20) squares remaining! Get in on the fun and you could be a WINNER!
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARES - Calling football fans of all ages! Click here to join the SGS super bowl pool. $50/square, 2 winners per quarter, and 50% of proceeds go to SGS. Please share our registration link with friends and family, all are welcome!
Payments made via Zelle at For more details, click here.
Thank you again everyone...go Eagles!
Mrs. Buckley, Principal
January 30, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Today is “Vocations Day” (dress like a Saint or Patron) for CSW. Many heavenly saints are walking around St. Gilbert School (watch social media for some shares!) I have seen many parents coming to visit and give presentations to classrooms about their vocations. It is an exciting day as we come to the end of our week long Catholic Schools Week celebration. Tomorrow’s theme day is appreciate our “Catholic School Teachers.” FSA will be putting on a lunch to treat them, but students could write a little note, make a picture, bring a flower, or a small treat for their teacher to show their love and appreciation, if they desire. I know I am thankful for the excellent teachers that grace the halls of St. Gilbert; they are faith- filled, dedicated, creative, loving, and strive to be the best at their vocation every day for our students.
For those of you new to our school, our next adult social event will be SGS Rocks Trivia night on March 1st. This is a casual evening for adults (21 and over) to socialize with friends, test their brains with some trivia, and support St. Gilbert. Any profit from this event goes towards our “SGS Scholarship Fund” which helps qualifying families with tuition assistance, and also offsets some of the first responder, and teaching staff discounts that are given to our families. I have included the link to tickets and sponsorship information. I hope to see many of you at this event- let’s fill the gym to capacity!
SGS Rocks Trivia 2025- Tickets
Grateful for hints of Spring!
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
Thursday 2/6 - Spirit Wear Day (moved from Friday due to day off)
Friday 2/7 - No School-Archdiocese Teacher PD
SGS Sports Central
* Our 8th grade boys basketball team won their Conference Championship! Congratulations to the boys and dedicated coaches! Go Rebels!
Tonight (1/30): Girls Basketball games 5:00/6:00 home
Monday (2/3): Last home games for Girls Basketball 5:30/6:30
Super Bowl Squares Progress:
Thanks to your recent response to the push for our Super bowl Fundraiser, we now have 50% of our 100 squares sold- that means we have 50 more to go between now and the Super Bowl! We can do it! Get in on the fun and have some numbers to root for at game time!
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARES - Calling football fans of all ages! Click here to join the SGS super bowl pool. $50/square, 2 winners per quarter, and 50% of proceeds go to SGS. Please share our registration link with friends and family, all are welcome!
Payments made via Zelle at For more details, click here.
Other Bits:
1st & 2nd Art Club is at capacity and is now closed. No more registrations will be accepted.
SGS Musical is coming.......get your tickets now for Aladdin!
CSW Tommy Hilfiger Uniform Coupon
January 28, 2025
Superbowl Squares "Fun" raiser!
Now that the opponents are set for a Superbowl matchup between the Chiefs and the Eagles, we would love for everyone to be part of our Superbowl Square fun! Help us to fill our 100 squares, we are a third of the way there. Funds will be going towards the Front Office Vestibule project, whose bid came in over $100,000. We all want our building to be as secure and attractive as possible.
May your favorite team win!
Mrs. Buckley, Principal
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARES - Calling football fans of all ages! Click here to join the SGS super bowl pool. $50/square, 2 winners per quarter, and 50% of proceeds go to SGS. Please share our registration link with friends and family, all are welcome!
Payments made via Zelle at For more details, click here.
January 23, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are finishing up our Winter Diagnostic iReady Testing this week, and are preparing for our celebration of Catholic Schools Week that begins with our Open House on Sunday 1/26. For our current families, we hope you will join us at 11:00 mass as we focus on the blessing of “Grandparents.” After mass there will be coffee and treats in the gym to celebrate the Grandparents and all Volunteers that help in any fashion at our school. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Multi-Purpose Room, and families are welcome to check out each student’s classroom. The Open House runs from 11:30-1:00 for current families. We have tours for prospective families going on from 9:30-11:30 (by appointment). For our current preschool families please let us know if your child will be returning and what program selection you are interested in, so that we can track openings with more accuracy. We do have over 25 families coming to tour our Preschool & Kindergarten programs this Sunday. Spots will be reserved for current families before acceptance of new applicants, but we must know of your interest.
God Bless our school,
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
1/25 - Carmel Math Competition
1/26 - Open House 11:30-1:00, Grandparent/Family Mass 11:00, Book Fair open during/after all masses
1/27 - "Celebrate our Community" (letters & treats to First Responders/Community Helpers)
1/28 - "Celebrate our Students" (student dress down day, no homework/test day, game time)
1/29 - "Celebrate our Nation" (Patriotic mass w/Color Guard & Military Remembrance Presentation), GCHS 8th Grade Counselor Meetings (morning)
1/30 - "Celebrate Vocations" (presentations on vocations in classrooms, Dress Like a Saint or Patron Day)
1/31 - "Celebrate Teachers & Staff" (staff dress down day & lunch from FSA), gym classes have a special presentation today.
SGS Sports Central:
1/28 - 8th Grade Boys Basketball Conference Final; games 6:00/7:00
1/30 - Girls Basketball home 5:00/6:00
2/3 - Girls Basketball home 5:30/6:30
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARES - Calling football fans of all ages! Click here to join the SGS super bowl pool. $50/square, 2 winners per quarter, and 50% of proceeds go to SGS. Please share our registration link with friends and family, all are welcome!
Payments made via Zelle at For more details, click here.
Gurnee Park District/Pool Passes
January 20, 2025
E-Learning for January 21 - Cold Weather Closure
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st will be an E-Learning Day for St. Gilbert School. The school building and office will be closed. Please check your email for messages from teachers regarding work that students can complete during the day. Students in grades K-2 will be using SeeSaw, and grades 3-8 will use Google.Classroom to retrieve work that teachers have posted. Teachers will be available from 8:00-1:00 to answer questions and offer assistance with assignments.
Please stay warm and safe.
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
January 16, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Winter iReady testing is going well for grades K-8, next week we will be doing our reading segment. Continue to have students rested, on time for school, and having eaten something for breakfast so that their bodies and brains can focus on doing their very best.
Plans are formalized for Catholic Schools Week and you can read all about it here: CSW Schedule 2025
Continue to send any family military pictures through 1/22 to
Students will be carrying these in during our All School Mass on Wednesday 1/29 (Celebrate Our Nation Day). Our choir will be singing patriotic songs and I would also like to extend a special invitation for each choir member to have a “special adult guest” sing with them in the choir section. Our student choir is a real treasure to the school every Wednesday and this will be a special treat for all their hard work!
Vocation Day is January 30th and we are planing an all school “dress like a saint” activity: Saint Dress Up Explanation , Dress Up Examples
We are very excited about all the wonderful plans for CSW and can’t wait to celebrate with all of you!
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
SGS Fundraiser Focus:
SGS SUPER BOWL SQUARES - Calling football fans of all ages! Click here to join the SGS super bowl pool. $50/square, 2 winners per quarter, and 50% of proceeds go to SGS. Please share our registration link with friends and family, all are welcome!
Payments made via Zelle at For more details, click here.
Calendar Reminders:
Friday 1/17 - Spirit Wear Day, Robotics Team Competition 3:30-6:00, JH Dance 6:00-8:00
Monday 1/20 - No School-MLK Day
Friday 1/24 - Spelling Bee 12:00
Saturday 1/25 - Carmel Math Competition
Sunday 1/26 - Catholic Schools Week Begins, Open House & Tours for prospective students 9:30-11:30, Grandparents Mass 11:00, Open House for current students 12:00-1:00, Scholastic Book Fair during all masses, “Thank You to Grandparents & all Volunteers”- light refreshments in the gym 12:00-1:00 sponsored by Student Council.
SGS Sports Central:
Thursday 1/16 - Girls Basketball home games 5:30 & 6:30
1/16-1/19 - 8th Grade Boys Basketball in tournament at St. Raymond’s
Tuesday 1/21 - SGS Hosting first round of 7th grade Conference Games, 6:00/7:00/8:00 (Teams TBD)
Knights of Columbus Blood Drive
Girl Scouts Ages 10-17 Open House
January 9, 2025
Thursday Tidbits
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Happy 2025! We were so happy to welcome our wonderful students back this week as we head into the second half of the school year! A special thank you from me and their teachers for sending them “all bundled up” and prepared to go outside for recess in the chilly weather. It looks like the cold weather will be continuing through next week. All grades go outside daily for recess unless the real or feel temperature drops below zero. It appears that many students received Ugg boots/slippers at Christmas. Ugg boots can be worn for outside wear, but students must have normal shoes/tennis shoes for wear throughout the building and for their gym classes. See Handbook re: Shoes below:
Handbook re: Shoes. Dress shoes or gym shoes are permitted. Shoes are to be clean. Students may not deface shoes with marker. If shoes have laces, they should be laced and tied or closed with Velcro or shoestrings at all times. Backless shoes, clogs, sandals, platforms, Birkenstocks, Crocs, Ugg Boots or other “fashion” boots and heels are not permitted.
Next week we will have iReady Diagnostic Testing for the winter session. Tests begin on Monday morning and will continue all week. Please be sure your students get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and bring a snack for the day. We want them to do their very
best, and show us all that they have learned so far this school year!
We are busy preparing for Catholic Schools Week which occurs January 26-January 31. You will hear more about each day and our plans very soon, but right now I am asking for pictures of any military members from your family to be sent electronically to Please do not send in original pictures, a photo of a picture is desired. We are creating some special “stars” for our celebration of the “Nation Day” and need to prep these in advance.
Please add to your family calendar: Open House on January 26th from 12:00-1:00, after our “Grandparents' Mass” at 11:00 in church.
Second annual Superbowl Squares Fundraiser! Get your Superbowl Squares today!
Prayers for a wonderful start of 2025!
Mrs. Kris Buckley, Principal
Calendar Reminders:
Monday 1/13 - Winter iReady Diagnostic testing begins-runs through the entire week
Tuesday 1/14 - School Board Meeting @ First Draft 6:30 pm
Wednesday 1/15 - No Grayslake Buses (AM)
Friday 1/17 - Grades 5-8 Robotics Team Competition 3:30-6:00, JH Dance 6:00-8:00 (6-8 grade)
Monday 1/20 - No School-MLK Day
SGS Sports Central:
7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball teams playing in a tournament at Prince of Peace all weekend.
Home games on 1/16- both Girls Teams-games start at 5:30
German Club-Winter Session 2025
Family School Upcoming Events 2025
Previous Thursday Tidbits:
Thursday Tidbits July 2024 through September 2024
Thursday Tidbits October 2024 through December 2024