Welcome to Saint Gilbert Catholic School
On behalf of the leadership, faculty and staff of Saint Gilbert Catholic School, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2024-2025 academic year! I trust that you have enjoyed a fun and relaxing summer vacation and are motivated to begin a new year of adventure, growth and learning.
On my first visit to the school in March 2014, shortly before I became Pastor, I discovered that Saint Gilbert is a special place. Visiting nearly every class that day from youngest to the most advanced, I found classrooms full of excited, happy students led by experienced and dedicated teachers and aides. I still laugh when I think about meeting those fourth graders who spontaneously broke into a rousing "happy dance" in their classroom!
The beginning of the school year is perhaps ideal for reminding ourselves of the essential mission and purpose of Saint Gilbert Catholic School, which is working cooperatively with parents, teachers and the parish community in forming students to become disciples of Jesus Christ. At the same time we help our students grow academically, athletically, artistically and technologically, we help them grow in their faith by integrating the Gospel and Christian morals into the entire experience of our school. It's part of the lifelong process of conversion and maturing as Christ's disciples and faithful Catholics.
We are eager to help parents and families pass along the great treasure of the faith to the children of Saint Gilbert's. Our Principal, Mrs. Kristine Buckley, the entire faculty and staff, Fr. Pawel Adamus and I are strongly committed to building on the seventy-five year tradition of Catholic educational excellence that has produced generations of people of character, who become leaders in every endeavor for our Grayslake community and beyond.
God's choicest blessings for the new school year,
Fr. John Chrzan

Rev. John Chrzan, Pastor

Mrs. Kristine Buckley, Principal